Build speed, scale and accuracy to operational efficiency and insight gains

Omnitive IDP automates the cognitive tasks of the high cost and time intensive processes in a fast, accurate and easy to use experience

Unlock data from unstructured, semi-structured and structured data sets at higher volumes than possible through humans today, reducing costs and freeing up valuable labor to do higher value tasks.

A smarter Generative AI approach ready to read anything

Our solutions are powered by Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision and other disciplines to classify, capture and extract data from virtually any kind of document.

Conceived with scalability at its core, what Omnitive IDP takes is a Generative AI approach that leverage the knowledge from modern Deep Learning language models and blend it with symbolic AI disciplines.

How does Omnitive IDP work?

Pioneers in automation with unstructured, semi-structured and structured data sources with our AI powered platform to accelerate document processing automation.

With Omnitive IDP, users are in control to process all kinds of documents with an unprecedented level of effort optimisation. No technical expertise is needed to realise intelligent automation capabilities in every phase of the workflow.

Domain selection
Business use case definition: document type and volume to be processed
Cognitive model usage
Maximize the profitability of the trained model: classify any type of unstructured to structured documents, capture and extract key data from your docs. For any business area, any workflow
Feedback learning
Validations done during the human in the loop review can be reused to retrain the model and will ensure results improve continuously in a virtuous circle
Cognitive model creation
Test and train process by annotation to teach the system to identify the type of document and extract the key information from each type of docs. Applying Deep Learning with human-in-the-loop optional supervision to achieve refined accuracy results
Data enhancement
Request data quality improvement to our Profesional Services. Data consolidation, normalization, verification and an. accuracy booster service at your disposal
Results output
Easily connected by API to output the results to any third system for any business application or workflow


Document classification automation

Speed up your document automation and bring order to your data

Applying intelligence in document classification and offload work from your back office by streamlining all the administrative bureaucracy.

From generalized emails, contracts to judicial notifications


Document classification automation benefits


Data capture and extraction automation

Transform key information from your documents into useful knowledge

Automating the extraction of key data from documents will allow you to achieve a smooth and agile management of all your organization's papers.

From simple structured financial documents to complex unstructured legal documents


Data capture and extraction automation benefits


Specific solutions for any field or domain

About Omnitive IDP

Great amount of functionality available to take your business to a different level

Each company is unique. Therefore, Omnitive IDP platform offers a range of features to fit our technology into your business logic.


Deploy the platform in a Private Cloud or use our Cloud, and scale as needed to meet all your needs

Omnitive IDP is designed as a cloud-first platform that can be deployed locally, in the private cloud or accessed from the TAIGER cloud. We use Docker containers and Kubernetes to orchestrate containers and include logging and monitoring to give IT teams the necessary control over system operations.

Integrate the Omnitive IDP platform with virtually any application through API REST.


Useful content to know all the details


Frequently Asked Questions?

Omnitive IDP improves its accuracy by Feedback Learning. This is the ability of a model to learn continually from a stream of data. This means supporting the ability of a model to autonomously learn and adapt in production as new data comes in.

Omnitive IDP can create a new cognitive model in hours. You can teach the platform to recognize new types of documents in record time but it will depend on the document type. 

Yes. No matter if it's unstructured or structured document, you can classify and extract data from any typo of document with Omnitive IDP.

Yes. An optimized interface for maximum performance with human-in-the-loop is at your disposal to enhance your accuracy results. 

No. Omnitive IDP is available on cloud or private cloud.

Discover more information about Omnitive IDP

Check Omnitive IDP full brochure for more information and ask our team a demo session to know more.

Contact our team to see DEMO or request a quick call with us!

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Información básica en protección de datos.- Conforme al RGPD y la LOPDGDD, TAIGER SPAIN SL tratará los datos facilitados, con la finalidad de contestar las dudas y/o quejas planteadas a través del presente formulario y facilitar la información solicitada. Siempre que nos lo autorice previamente, enviaremos información relacionada con los servicios y productos solicitados. Podrá ejercer, si lo desea, los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, y demás reconocidos en la normativa mencionada. Para obtener más información acerca de cómo estamos tratando sus datos, acceda a nuestra política de privacidad.

Información básica en protección de datos.- Conforme al RGPD y la LOPDGDD, TAIGER SPAIN SL tratará los datos facilitados, con la finalidad de contestar las dudas y/o quejas planteadas a través del presente formulario y facilitar la información solicitada. Siempre que nos lo autorice previamente, enviaremos información relacionada con los servicios y productos solicitados. Podrá ejercer, si lo desea, los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, y demás reconocidos en la normativa mencionada. Para obtener más información acerca de cómo estamos tratando sus datos, acceda a nuestra política de privacidad.

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